I am delighted to announce the formation of the IEB (Independant Examination Board). This is the board that governs examination within our academies, from normal academy gradings to panel grades, to dance exams and judging. Also it will oversee any CIT course exams and competitions etc to make sure everything is judged in a fair, impartial way. Mr Heywood is the director of the IEB, with Mr Glasheen being principal examiner, and Miss Kinsella running the Dance. We also have room for expansion throughout the UK as we are now working with over 300 students across the country.
Our Leadership programme has been developed for specific students that have shown the dedication, ability and attitude it takes to become a future Black Belt.
Participants of this exclusive programme will be hand pick by our chief instructor and will be personally invited to attend the club. If selected, Leadership students training will intensify as each student will be given the opportunity to increase their training to unlimited classes each week. They will also receive their own 'Leadership' classes in which they will study a much wider variety of martial arts from around the world including 6 separate weapons systems. This exciting programme is for an elite group of martial artists that have the desire to expand their knowledge and understanding of martial arts. They will be presented with a Black Leadership uniform to distinguish them from normal class students.
Leadership Content
Once again the Leadership programme can only be accessed by special invite. You need to demonstrate the correct attitude, determination and willingness to achieve your black belt to even be considered. Take that first positive step today by asking your instructor about the Leadership programme!